HR Platform Frame Recall
HR Platform Frame Recall
Attention! If you’ve purchased or own an HR Platform frame stop using it immediately! There is a recall on certain HR Platform Frames! Add this product to your cart to receive a free repair kit with a set of metal clips set to strengthen the frame. The kit will ship directly to you free of charge. Please allow 7-10 days for your kit to arrive.
PLEASE NOTE – Metal clips are shipped in a set. Each frame requires one set (as shown in the image); order the correct amount according to the number of frames you own.
This recall involves HR Platform bed frames sold under the Bed Tech brand with model numbers HR33, HR33XL, HR46, HR50, HR60, HR66. The models consist of sizes Twin, Twin xl, Full, Queen, King, Cal King. The steel frames are black and have blue plastic clips.
Each product has a 14 digit serial number that begins with HR on an outside leg. The model number is printed on the outside leg along with the serial number.